"I want to be free from fear..."
Fear is a very powerful negative force. The Bible tells us that the devil uses fear to control all men and put them into bondage (Hebrews 2:14, 15). Fear can come through wrong beliefs; it could be superstitious beliefs, wrong cultural beliefs, traditional beliefs, societal beliefs or even beliefs instilled upon people through wrong teaching. Fear can also come because of the unknown. One could ask ‘if fear arises out of wrong beliefs’ then where does the fear of the unknown come from, since no one has taught anything about the unknown? Fear of the unknown is possible only because of the presence of fear in one self. One could ask ‘if fear arises out of wrong beliefs’ then where does the fear of the unknown come from, since no one has taught anything about the unknown? Fear of the unknown is possible only because of the presence of fear in one self. In an atmosphere of the unknown the worst fears no matter how little, if present in oneself, become reflected back from the m...