The Season is Changing!
We are now in the process of change; the church is poised to undergo some dramatic changes. While we understand that there are some real moves of God occurring in different places around the world, the church as a whole has reached a plateau and in order to go on to the next level God has in store for the church, change is inevitable. Change is not easy as it requires faith and an element of risk . What worked over the last decade will not work in the next decade. Large portions of the church today has become performance oriented, success oriented ; often the church service is reduced to the level of entertaining in its desire to become user friendly lowering everything to the lowest common denominator. There is a lot of praise in church services but virtually no worship, and that which is designated as worship is often just another form of praise. The worship in the seventies was far greater than most of what we see today. The church has lost the art of worship in its eage...