Would you allow yourself to be operated by a surgeon who has not had actual experience?
Would you allow yourself to be treated by a doctor who has never had practical experience and training?
Would you allow an architect or an engineer who has no experience to build your building project? Would you trust a lawyer who has no experience to defend you on an important life and death matter?
If we don’t allow that in the temporal natural, why should we lower the standard when it comes to eternal things?
Many people
who are inexperienced in ministry, no matter how young or old they are, have a
habit of telling others what they think they know better. No doubt some of them
could have far reaching ideas and callings but the first place to start is
humility and not pride. They have no humility and that is where grace begins.
On the other
hand, you have those who are very experienced in life and have success in
various areas of life but not in ministry that they seek to be in. In these
areas, again humility is required. It is sometimes even harder for the older
with fixed habits and lifestyles to change that those who are young.
you have one who is experienced in those areas, but their past methods and
lifestyles no longer can serve the present generation and they will no longer
succeed until they humble themselves and learn the new Spirit-way to reach the
present generation. What is the fastest way to progress in fivefold ministry?
The first and foremost quality is humility. For without humility nothing else
matters. The entire ministry is by ministry grace which comes as one is humble
before God and before man (1 Peter 5:5-6).
Without the
grace of God there is no ministry. And grace comes only by humility before man
and at the throne of God. If one need to choose between a very capable man or
woman without humility and the grace of God and a half capable man or woman who
is humble, choose the humble one. For in humility, they will grow and learn
better than the one with pride.
Money cannot
buy ministry, intellect cannot buy ministry and all humans and organizations
cannot make one a minister. Ministry comes from God and God alone but even if
one is called into ministry, one will never be recognized until one is humble
and serving. It is important not only to teach what one should not be but also
what one should be.
in ministry can be accelerated in the following ways:
1. All ministry is based on love.
Unless one
is established in love and the motivation is love, the foundation is wrong. We
are not just concerned about ministry performance (although that is important
as a measuring yardstick for organizational evaluation) but about the eternal
reward and the quality of a ministry. The quality of a ministry is always
measured by the level of the love of Christ that is flowing through the
individual and the standard of Scriptural dependence used.
2. Humility is a key requirement.
Without humility nothing else can be received. A person
has reached their plateau and goingdownhill when pride fills their heart and
mind. Part of the ministry training is mentoring; pride prevents a person from
being mentored and trained by others.
3. Character comes through experience.
There is no other way to gain character except
through tribulation, perseverance, then character (Romans 5:3). You can feel
the power of the cross in the words and life of a person who has been through
tribulation from one who has not. Every one of us has our cross to bear but
many people run from their own cross and still seek to be a disciple and
minister of Christ. There is always the cross before the resurrection power is
demonstrated. Also, it needs to be the right type of experience. Some
experiences make people more bitter, hurt, resentful, and this hinders future
No one can help you if you do
not want to grow in love. The only thing that should come forth from our lives
at all times, whether it be in an informal one to one fellowship or small
gathering or at the pulpit, is love, peace and joy and the pure Word of God.
People should feel that they have been deeply loved by God after every word we
speak. Yes, even when we do corrective teaching, it is always done in love and
humility (1 Timothy 5:1; 2 Timothy 2:24-25). For any correction given that is
not done in love and humility is done only out of pride and self-recognition or
superiority; and it will destroy rather than build up the person being
It is
important that we differentiate between what we know and what we are; what we
think we know and what we truly know; who we are and not just what we think we
are. Our character speaks louder than words. People will not receive our words
if we do not have the character that backs up our words. And heaven measures us
not by what we know but who we are. Heaven measures us by our heart’s love for
people and not our mind’s knowledge of things.
The best place to always be
anywhere in the world in any profession is to be humble. Seek to be the
humblest person on earth and you will be the greatest person on earth in the
sight of God. Being is better than knowing for being includes knowing but
knowing does not always include being. To be complete, the knowing and knowing
is only the first of many processes towards being. Our lives are an epistle
which others read better than our words. Be disciples. Be loving. Be humble.