Don’t be afraid of Increase!


Don’t be afraid of Increase!

When you plant a seed, you expect a harvest.  

When you work, you expect compensation.

When you invest, you expect economic growth.

When you marry, you expect children.

When you seek medical help, you expect improvement.

When you do a good job, you expect recognition or a promotion.

When you sell your house, you expect a profit.

When you honor God with from your increase, what should you expect? (Prov. 3:9-10)

Why do so many get offended at the idea of increase coming from God?  They expect and hope for increase in every other area of life, but cringe if a preacher talks about the blessings of God.  Doesn’t God have a right to bless His children?  If some are getting blessed, why does it bother others?

The spiritual principles and promises of increase are all throughout the Bible, but so many don’t want to hear about it.  They have been deceived into thinking that abundance is ungodly.  And yet, the abundance that God placed in the earth, and the principles of increase are for His children.  Abundance was never meant for the sinner!

The prosperity of God should be celebrated, not shunned and criticized.  Under the worse covenant of the Law, Israel was to be the head and not the tail, a nation of prosperity.  Why, under the better covenant with better promises do so many get offended with increase?  

Religion has turned the promises of God upside down, made poverty a virtue, and made the idea of economic wealth an evil thing.  Many are afraid of abundance because they don’t trust their own hearts.  That is the real problem.  Rather than being a tool to bless the nations (Gen. 12:2-3), some see money as an evil to be avoided.  

Yes, there is poverty around the world.  Is it God’s will?  No.  How can we help others if we are afraid to be blessed?  If you are afraid of your own heart, then you need to get set free.  God loves a cheerful giver, but you can’t give what you don’t have.  Let’s not despise abundance.  Let’s despise poverty on every level, spirit, soul, and body.  Poverty is a part of the curse, not the blessing.

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